
Gum Disease Awareness

Gum Disease Awareness

It can cause tooth loss in adults. It’s hard to detect as it’s usually pain free. It is an infection, and you CAN stop it! What Is Gum Disease? It’s an infection that is caused by the bacteria-filled plaque that is always forming on our teeth.

According to the ADA American Dental Association, there are some warning signs that can signal a problem:

  • gums that bleed easily
  • red, swollen, tender gums
  • gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • persistent bad breath or bad taste
  • permanent teeth that are loose or separating
  • any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • any change in the fit of partial dentures

How to prevent Gum Disease:

Brush for two minutes, twice a day, every day! Eat a balanced, healthy diet and visit your dental office twice a year for check-ups and regular-professional cleanings. Healthy dental hygiene can stop gum disease and even reverse it.

Posted by quadsimia in Blog
Debunk the Myths and Unlock the Facts on Fluoride!

Debunk the Myths and Unlock the Facts on Fluoride!

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral that strengthens the density of bones and the enamel that protects the teeth from tooth decay. It is found in water, food, and numerous dental products like toothpaste or mouthwash. Fluoride is well known to offer several health benefits.

Professional fluoride treatments at the dentist have shown to have various benefits for adults and children. Professional fluoride treatments have a higher concentration of fluoride compared to toothpaste or water. Professional fluoride can come in a rinse, gel, or foam forms. Have you been contemplating whether to get professional treatment? Professionals suggest getting a fluoride treatment at your dentist if you are prone or at a higher risk of developing cavities.

Not maintaining proper oral hygiene and allowing plaque and bacteria to build upon your teeth will lead to the erosion of the teeth and gum tissue, breaking down the enamel layer and then infecting the nerves and blood at the center of the tooth. Fluoride is helpful by restoring the minerals to the surfaces of the tooth where the enamel has broken down. It can also aid in preventing future cavities by stopping the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms in the mouth. So, let’s debunk some myths on fluoride!

Myth: “Fluoride is unsafe for small children.”

Fact: Fluoridated water is safe for babies and young children and is even crucial to help with proper tooth growth and tooth development. It has been found that the use of fluoride is safe and effective in preventing cavities. Children need to receive an adequate amount of fluoride during their childhood years to create stronger teeth to last a lifetime. Fluoride treatments during a dental exam are beneficial for strengthening children’s teeth and preventing cavities.

Myth: “Drinking fluoridated water will cause cancer.”

Fact: Fluoride is safe, reliable, and harmless. It has been found to have several benefits and not lead to any conditions like cancer, diabetes, kidney problems, or heart disease. Water fluoridation has been studied in-depth, and there have been countless studies, research, and evidence that shows it is safe and effective.

Myth: “Fluoride treatments at the dentist do not work.”

Fact: Studies have revealed that even adults benefit considerably from topical fluoride applications at the dentist, especially for those adults who are more inclined to get cavities. Depending on your dental health, the American Dental Association suggests a topical fluoride treatment at your dentist’s office at least once a year.

Myth: “If you use fluoride toothpaste, you don’t need fluoridated water.”

Fact: The fluoride in toothpaste, called topical fluoride, serves a different purpose than the fluoride in drinking water. Using fluoride topically compared to ingesting it internally in water will lead to differing benefits. Once fluoride becomes ingested internally, it resides in our bloodstream and saliva. There, it continually serves as little soldiers that defend and protect our teeth. It even becomes fused into adult teeth as they form. Topical fluoride treatments, found at the dentist and in mouth rinses, are beneficial to promote the remineralization of enamel and fight against plaque. Since these two forms of fluoride serve various purposes, they are both required for optimal dental health.

Posted by quadsimia in Blog
The Future is in Your Hands, Wash them Properly!

The Future is in Your Hands, Wash them Properly!

Each year National Handwashing Awareness Week is celebrated during the first week of December. This year it will be celebrated from December 1st through the 7th. It is the perfect opportunity to remind yourself and everybody else to take good hygiene practices seriously. Many diseases, bacteria, and viruses are spread by simply not washing hands with soap and water. One of the most important actions we can take to avoid spreading germs to others and getting ourselves sick is to maintain clean hands.

Tips for Healthy and Happy Hands

A quick rinse of our hands is not sufficient in preventing the spread of germs. Here are three handy tips to follow that lead to healthy, happy, and clean hands.

1 . Memorize the Five Steps

When washing your hands always utilize these five easy steps: wet, lather, scrub, rinse, dry. Applying these five steps is one of the most effective ways to rid all the germs from your hands.

2 . Do it Right

The CDC recommends washing your hands with soap and clean water for at least 20 seconds. They suggest humming the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice to equal the length of time needed to wash away the germs. It is critical to make sure you wash every part of your hand, including the back of the hands, the palms, in-between the fingers, and even under the nails.

3 . Key Handwashing Times

The most beneficial times to wash your hands are before, and after touching food, after using the restroom, before and after attending to a sick individual, and after sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose.

Maintaining clean hands is one of the best things you can do for your overall health, as well as the health of others. Handwashing is a simple and effective way to protect yourself and others from germs and viruses. Even though handwashing seems like an easy task, many people end up not thoroughly washing their hands or even skipping handwashing all together. So, let’s shake on it to be safe this winter and wash our hands the right way!


Posted by quadsimia in Blog
Brush Up on Your Smile!

Brush Up on Your Smile!

How perfect is it that the day after Halloween is National Brush your Teeth Day! It is no coincidence that this day is celebrated right after the most notable day of candy consumption in the U.S. What a perfect time to reinforce good habits in yourself and your kids for healthy teeth. Use this opportunity to celebrate your smile and remind yourself to continue to take care of your teeth since they are an important part of your overall health. So, treat yourself to a new toothbrush today and brush all those sweets away! To celebrate, let’s debunk some myths on dental hygiene.

Brushes, and bristles, and bacteria, oh my! Replacing your toothbrush every few months is important for maintaining good oral health. Changing out your toothbrush gives your teeth the fresh bristles it needs to be able to remove the plaque and bacteria from the tight spaces in between the teeth. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends switching out an old toothbrush with a new one every three to four months.

Two minutes, two times. It is important to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste two times for two minutes every day with a soft-bristled brush. It is recommended to brush your teeth lightly. Brushing harder is counterproductive and doing so puts a larger amount of stress and strain on the gum tissue and tooth enamel. Over time, increasing amounts of the tooth could become exposed and result in gum recession. Tooth decay has been identified as the most common childhood disease. Brushing for two minutes, twice a day, every day, helps reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Celebrate your smile by giving it the proper care it needs for a lifetime. Also, share your smiling selfie on social media to spread awareness and even brighten someone’s day!

Posted by quadsimia in Blog
Brush. Floss. Rinse. Repeat.

Brush. Floss. Rinse. Repeat.

October is National Dental Hygiene Month! This month is the opportunity to show appreciation and thank our hardworking dental hygienists. Also, to help the dental community raise awareness of methods and techniques for good oral health.

Good dental hygiene is of the utmost importance to your oral and overall health. Visiting your dental hygienist twice a year for professional cleanings and checkups is one of the best ways you can maintain your beautiful and healthy smile for a lifetime!

Patients should regularly focus on these four techniques to help them maintain good oral health:

  • Brush
  • Floss
  • Rinse
  • Repeat


It is important to brush your teeth twice a day, for two minutes, with a soft-bristled brush. According to the American Dental Association, you should replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months to ensure that the bristles of your toothbrush allow you to reach all areas of your mouth. Also, it is important to brush your tongue! Brushing your tongue helps remove bacteria and maintain fresh breath.


Flossing should be a daily habit. Flossing is an essential part of taking care of your gums and teeth. Just brushing will not remove the plaque found between your teeth. Flossing at least once a day has shown to be sufficient and beneficial for healthy teeth.


Rinsing with mouthwash helps eliminate plaque and germs that brushing and flossing might not reach. Mouthwash is beneficial to help control or reduce bad breath, gingivitis, plaque, tooth decay, and infection.

So be ready to show your smile off on October 1st on World Smile Day by always following these four techniques! A smile can easily be understood in any language, so be confident to share your beautiful, healthy smile today by brushing, flossing, rinsing, chewing, and repeating!

At Dental Arts, the outstanding staff has extensive knowledge and experience to provide quality dental care that helps in preventing dental disease. They are fortunate to have three excellent dental hygienists who are each dedicated and caring about the health and happiness of their patients. As a patient at Dental Arts, after a thorough diagnostic examination and explanation of all treatment options, you will have the right to make your own treatment decisions. Thank you to the three hardworking, dedicated hygienists, Dr. Joseph Giovannone, Dr. Mike Fanelli, and Dr. Eric Giovannone, and the rest of the Dental Art staff!

Posted by quadsimia in Blog
September is National Gum Care Month

September is National Gum Care Month

September is National Gum Care Month, and now is a perfect time to brush up on the habits that can keep your mouth clean, healthy, and prevent any form of gum disease!

What is Gum Disease?

Tooth be told, Gum Disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a mouth infection that affects nearly half of adults in America. Preventing gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease is important to prevent periodontal disease, a serious infection in the gums, which can lead to tooth loss. The warning signs of gingivitis and gum disease can include bad breath, and swollen, red, bleeding, tender, receding, or irritated gums. Early recognition and action are the most important steps to maintain healthy gums, and a healthy body too!

How can I Prevent Gum Disease?

Here is a simple list to follow to maintain healthy, lifelong teeth and gums!

  • Brushing and flossing your teeth at least two times a day
  • Limiting your consumption of foods and beverages containing high sugar
  • Visiting your dentist for cleanings and checkups every 6 months
  • Incorporating mouthwash into your daily routine

Is Mouthwash Worth it?

Incorporating mouthwash with fluoride into your daily oral care routine is a beneficial way to freshen your breath, kill harmful bacteria, and prevent gum disease and tooth loss. Mouthwash with fluoride has been shown to help rebuild weakened tooth enamel, reverse early stages of tooth decay, and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, cavities, and gingivitis. Among those benefits, mouthwash has the capability to reach all areas of your mouth as a liquid. It can reach the places you might not regularly brush like, the roof of your mouth, your inner cheeks, and your tongue. Some might say, a mouth wash a day, keeps the gingivitis away!

All puns aside, if you have questions about your oral care, please ask us!

Posted by quadsimia in Blog
1. Stained or Discolored Teeth

1. Stained or Discolored Teeth

Over time your teeth can become stained and change color. This is often the result of eating certain foods, such as coffee or tea, smoking, aging, genetics, injury, or certain medications. Whitening options can include over the counter or in office treatments. Check with your dentist about your options for stain removal.

Posted by quadsimia in Top 10 Dental Symptoms
2. Cracked or Broken Teeth

2. Cracked or Broken Teeth

A cracked or broken tooth can happen for a variety of reasons—brittle teeth, teeth grinding, injury. The crack may be invisible to the naked eye and even X-ray, but they can be incredibly painful and create bigger problems if left untreated. If you experience pain when chewing see your dentist. They can diagnose the cause and develop a plan for treatment.

Posted by quadsimia in Top 10 Dental Symptoms
3. Oral Piercing Infection

3. Oral Piercing Infection

Oral piercings can create a wide range of problems for your health, oral and otherwise. Your mouth is home to huge amounts of bacteria, creating an ideal place for infection to start. If you have any signs of infection—swelling, pain, fever, chills, shaking or a red-streaked appearance around the site of the piercing—contact your dentist or physician immediately.

Posted by quadsimia in Top 10 Dental Symptoms
4. Dry Mouth

4. Dry Mouth

If you have dry mouth it may be the symptom of a medical disorder or a side effect of certain medications. Saliva is the mouth’s primary defense against tooth decay. It washes away food and other debris, neutralizes acids produced by bacteria in the mouth and provides disease-fighting substances throughout the mouth. Your dentist can recommend ways to restore moisture.

Posted by quadsimia in Top 10 Dental Symptoms